- We are a group of women singers with a wide repertoire of folk songs, ballads, rounds, songs from the shows and classical music
- We come from a wide range of backgrounds but have one thing in common - we all love to sing!
- Please explore this site to find out more, and if you think you might like to join us, you will find further details under Join Us
Wollaton Singers Invite You to a Taster Session
When? : Tuesday 6th September, 2022 at 7.30pm
Where? : St Barnabas' Church, Church Croft, Inham Nook, Chilwell, NG9 4HU
Trying out a choir can be a bit daunting so, this year, Wollaton Singers have organised a Taster Session for any ladies who'd like to try us out. It will be the first session of the year for choir members who will be delighted to welcome and help anyone attending for the first time. Most importantly, there are NO AUDITIONS! We sing together in our various sections (soprano1, 2 and alto) and if you don't know where you fit, you just try each one until you feel comfortable with the range.
Each rehearsal session lasts from 7.30 to 9.30pm with a break about half way for refreshments and a chat.
Sophie, our conductor, helps us to learn the music by modelling it and we repeat after her. It's a great way to learn! It also means that you don't have to be able to read music although it does help if you can. We also do breathing and other exercises before singing.
All music is provided, and you are welcome to attend for 2 or 3 weeks before deciding whether or not to join us.
If you can't make 6th September (or have heard about it too late), that's not a problem as you can turn up at 7.30pm on any Tuesday during term time and have a go.